Aka-Renga Soko
These warehouses were built on the first modern pier constructed in the East Asia called “Shinko Pier” for Yokohama Customs to control import and export of goods through the Port of Yokohama. These warehouses were the most advanced warehouses at the time being constructed with earthquake-resistant and fireproof structures.
Yokohama Customs had controlled imported goods such as leaf tobacco, wool and optical instruments in these warehouses until World War I began. During the war, the Japanese Army and Navy used them. Then, the U.S. forces controlled them after the war. At the end of the U.S. forces’ requisition, No.1 wareh returned to Yokohama Customs and No.2 was left to the City of Yokohama.
However, they were no longer to be used as the warehouses since 1989, because of expansion of the containerization of the marine transport.
The City of Yokohama restored them by acquiring from National Government to preserve as one of the important historical buildings and make them as a symbol of the lively and cultural port. In April 2002, these warehouses welcomed its grand open as Aka-Renga Soko.
1905 明治38年12月 | 横浜税関及び大蔵省により新港ふ頭第一期工事(海面埋立工事)竣工 |
1911 明治44年3月 | 大蔵省により新港ふ頭第二期工事(海面埋立工事)竣工 |
1911 明治44年5月 | 赤レンガ2号倉庫竣工(横浜税関が管理) |
1913 大正2年3月 | 赤レンガ1号倉庫竣工(横浜税関が管理) |
1917 大正6年11月 | 大蔵省により新港ふ頭陸上設備工事竣工(新港ふ頭の完成) |
1923 大正12年9月 | 関東大地震により、1号倉庫が半壊し、現在の大きさに |
1945昭和20年9月 | 終戦により新港ふ頭が米軍に接収される |
1956昭和31年5〜8月 | 新港ふ頭の大部分が接収解除される |
1989平成元年 | 赤レンガ倉庫、倉庫としての用途廃止 |
1992平成4年3月 | 横浜市が大蔵省から赤レンガ1号、2号倉庫及び2棟間広場を取得 |
2002平成14年4月12日 | 赤レンガ倉庫グランドオープン |
The history of the Red Brick Warehouse started when the Meiji government constructed it as a bonded customs warehouse at Shinko (meaning “New Port” in Japanese) pier. Being a national model warehouse which incorporated such innovative features as the elevator for cargo and fire extinguishers, it serves as a logistics hub in the port of Yokohama and played an important role in the city’s urbanization. The Warehouse survived various difficulties including the Great Kanto Earthquake, the World War II, the Great Yokohama Air Raid and the postwar occupation by GHQ, and has always been recognized as a symbol of the Port of Yokohama.
With the shift to containerized shipping and the construction of advanced piers, the cargo volume of Shinko pier and the Red Brick Warehouse decreased. In 1989 it was finally decided to end its function as a warehouse.
The city of Yokohama acquired the Red Brick Warehouse, long cherished by citizens of Yokohama, from the Japanese government and restored to inherit these buildings as historical property. It was reborn as a facility with the concept of “a space that generate the hustle and bustle and culture of the harbor” on April 12, 2002. Since then the Red Brick Warehouse attracts many visitors as a popular spot in Yokohama and draws attention as a place to create new culture.
1号倉庫(関東大震災復旧後の規模) The warehouse No.1 (in the scale after therestoration from the Great Kanto Earthquake) | 2号倉庫 The warehouse No.2 | |
建築年 The year of construction | 1908[明治41]年〜1913[大正2]年 | 1907[明治40]年〜1911[明治44]年 |
建築面積 Site Area | 1,953m | 3,887m |
延床面積 Total floor area | 5,575m | 10,755m |
階数 Number of Floors | 3階建て | 3階建て |
長さ Length | 76.0m | 149.0m |
幅 Width | 22.6m | 22.6m |
高さ Height | 17.8m | 17.8m |